Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL)

What is Members Voluntary Liquidation?

A Members Voluntary Liquidation, or solvent liquidation, is a process set out within insolvency legislation which facilitates the wind down of solvent companies and allows shareholders to extract funds in the most tax efficient way.  Why is a MVL tax efficient?  

Our experts at Ballard Business Recovery have many years’ experience assisting directors and shareholders in placing their company into a Members Voluntary Liquidation process, always exceeding expectations and distributing funds to shareholders shortly following appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What happens if I forget about a liability and all funds have already been distributed?2021-11-17T16:08:20+00:00

At the start of the liquidation process the Liquidator will write to any party who may have a claim against the company asking them to provide particulars of that claim.  A formal request to submit claims will also be advertised in the London Gazette, and by any other means (if appropriate).  Creditors usually respond very quickly so as not to delay payment, although some larger organisations and HMRC may take some time.

If shareholders require a distribution of funds early in the liquidation a calculation will be made that accounts for all known liabilities.  Shareholders will be asked to enter into an indemnity with the Liquidator which requires the repayment of distributed funds in the event of any additional liabilities coming to light.  Be assured that indemnities are very rarely enforced.

If my company owns physical assets or shares, can these be transferred to the shareholders?2021-11-17T16:08:20+00:00

Yes, this is what we refer to as a distribution in specie.  Providing there is sufficient cash within the company to cover any liabilities, the agreed costs of the process and the repayment of share capital, all other assets can be distributed in specie amongst the shareholders if this is the preferred route.  The value of the distribution to be used within your self-assessment tax return is the market value of that particular asset.

If the company is placed into ‘liquidation’, will this affect my credit score or ability to lend in the future?2021-11-17T16:08:20+00:00

No, there should be no impact on your credit score and if the matter is ever raised (by a mortgage company, for example) you simply have to point them to the fact that it was a solvent liquidation process used to close down a successful company.  Be assured that all major credit agencies and lenders fully recognise this.

When we are appointed as liquidators we must notify Companies House and place an advertisement in the London Gazette.  These are public records and will clearly show that the company is in Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (i.e. solvent) and opposed to a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (i.e. insolvent).

How much does the process cost?2021-11-17T16:08:20+00:00

At the outset of our instruction we will provide you with a quote that covers the assistance provided to you in placing the company into Members Voluntary Liquidation and for the liquidator administering the Members Voluntary Liquidation process.  The quote will be dependent upon the circumstances of the company but the cost will typically range from £2k to £5k plus disbursements and VAT.

If you would like an instant Members Voluntary Liquidation quote to fit the circumstances of your business, please use our bespoke Members Voluntary Liquidation quote tool.

Why is the Members Voluntary Liquidation process more tax efficient?2021-11-17T16:08:20+00:00

Please see our Why is a MVL more tax efficient page.

How quickly can shareholders expect to receive funds?2021-11-17T16:08:20+00:00

At the outset of our instruction we will agree the timing and quantum of distributions to the shareholders and work with you in order to meet those expectations.  As long as a provision is made to cover outstanding liabilities and the agreed costs of the Members Voluntary Liquidation process, we aim to distribute the majority of funds to shareholders within 7 days of appointment.  We will work with you to ensure that this is possible.  On some occasions, you may prefer the distribution to take place in the following tax year to benefit from further tax allowances.  This is fine, and the distributions will be timed to your preference.

Do all liabilities have to be settled before placing the company into Members Voluntary Liquidation?2021-11-17T16:08:20+00:00

No.  The duty of the liquidator, once appointed, is to realise the assets of the company and settle all liabilities in accordance with insolvency legislation.  It is not uncommon for companies to be placed into a Members Voluntary Liquidation with one or two liabilities outstanding.  This will most likely be an outstanding tax liability that cannot be settled until your accountant has brought the tax returns up to date.

Considering Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL)?

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